Monday 25 February 2019

25th February - 2nd March Training Week

Hi all

As 3 of the UWCSEA Dover aquatics staff will be away for SEASAC this week, there will be a few things to note for training at the end of this week:

Thursday afternoon

Senior Swim - Coach Sarah
Waterpolo - Coach Henry & Coach Mat
Senior Comp / NAG2 / NAG3 - Coach Sarah

Friday morning

Waterpolo - Coach Henry
Swimming - No training

Friday afternoon

Orcas / Sharks - Coach Mat
Senior Comp / NAG1 / NAG2 / NAG3 - Coach Sarah

Saturday morning

Junior Comp (Senior Comp 7am starters) - Coach Henry
NAG1 / NAG2 / NAG3 (Senior Comp early starters) - Coach Sarah (6:30am for everyone)


Coach Kris